
Qui sommes-nous ?

Get hired by 1 of the Fortune 500 Companies looking for top talent like you.

Le poste
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EFMD Global Fairs by Highered

  • Type de contrat : Tous types de contrat
  • Niveau d'études : Bac + 5 et plus
  • Expérience requise : Expérience non précisée
  • Salaire : non précisé
  • Lieu de travail : non précisé


Fonctions et responsabilités :

From Oct 18th to 20th, participate at the EFMD Global Fairs by Highered, the largest virtual job fair. It is an excellent opportunity for you to connect with recruiters, providing a seamless experience for both job seekers. The 3-day event will be packed with industry speakers, masterclasses, workshops, inspiring keynotes, and top leading employers looking to hire students and recent graduates.

Profil recherché

You can register for free to your school’s Highered platform to join the fairs.

Informations complémentaires